Engine Factory Avadi
Engine Factory Avadi (EFA) is located at 7 Km from Avadi railway station in Chennai, 35 Km from Chennai Railway station and 42 Km from Chennai international Airport in Tiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu. In the vicinity, there are several other Ordnance Factories such as Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF), Ordnance Clothing Factory(OCF) and Defence Installations like Combat Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE), Ordnance Depot etc. There are also Central Reserve Police Force and Air Force Station available in the nearby area. The Factory area is spread over 72 acres.
View Engine Factory - Machines
Production Shop

Engine Assy Shop

Engine Testing Shop

Factory Admin Building And Gate

Solar Plant

Engine Factory Avadi(EFA) an IMS Organisation, is one of the major production units of Armoured Vehicles Nigam Ltd., which works under the administrative control of Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence, Government of India. Engine Factory has highly skilled and dedicated workforce who are agile, qualified and well trained in various technologies for manufacture of Armoured Vehicle Engines. This combination of Men and Machines ensures manufacture of Quality Products in order to meet the dynamic needs of the Indian Army.
Engine Factory manufactures following 3 types of high powered Diesel Engines –
UTD-20 Engine for infantry Combat Vehicles(BMP-II)
V46-6 Engine for T-72 Ajeya Tanks and its variants
V92S2 Engine FOR T-90 Bhishma Battle Tanks
Production facilities at the Factory consist of state-of-the-art CNC machines, special purpose machines and high precision and highly sophisticated Flexible Manufacturing System. These facilities are, in turn supported by modern Heat Treatment and Electroplating shops, up - to date metrology facilities and mechanical laboratories which ensure adherence to highest quality standards.
RTI Officers
Shri Atul Kumar Bapat
Appellate Authy
General Manager
(O) O44-26841251, (R) 044-26385190, FAX-044-26840437
Email: efa[dot]ofb[at]nic[dot]in
Public Information Officer
Addl. General Manager
(O) 044-26845102
Email: efa[dot]ofb[at]nic[dot]in
Shri A. Ravindran
Alt. Public Information Officer
Works Manager
(O) 044-26845115, FAX-044-26840437
Email: efa[dot]ofb[at]nic[dot]in
Contact Details
Shri Rajeev Mathur
Chief General Manager
Engine Factory
An Unit of AVNL
Avadi, Chennai, TamilNadu - 600054
(O) 044-26385000, FAX-044-26840437
Email: efa[dot]ofb[at]nic[dot]in
REMITTANCE OF FEE : Application fee of Rs. 10/- by way of cash against proper receipt or by Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque / IPO drawn in favour of The General Manager, Engine Factory payable at SBI, HVF AVADI.