Armoured Vehicle Nigam Limited Institute of Learning Medak is one of the 3 training institutes functioning under AVNL from 01-10-2021. AVNLIOL, Medak is always making best efforts to keep pace with the changing needs of the Organization and accordingly designing Training Courses in Management and Technical areas.
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) being the major Core competency area of the institute, IOLMK is always in the forefront of the pursuit of skills updation required for taking up the challenges of modern manufacturing by organizing courses on various types of CNC Programming, Operation and Maintenance (both Electronics & Mechanical). The programmes cover topics on the latest controllers of Siemens & Fanuc.
CNC SIMULATION Software for Sinumeric 840DSL and FANUC SIMULATION Software have been installed in the Personal Computers for practical exposure and hands on training. Participants take advantage of the Software for real time training on programming on Siemens and Fanuc controllers.
AVNLIOL , Medak is developing Core competency in training in following subjects :
- CNC Technology
- Corporate Communication
- Marketing including Export & Branding
- Research & Development
- Industry 4.0 & A.I
Armoured Vehicle Nigam Limited Institute of Learning Medak was originally established in 1996 as Regional Training Institute for imparting training to Group B & C employees of Ordnance Factories and their Allied Establishments. RTI was renamed as Ordnance Factories Institute of Learning in the year 2005 and further renamed as Armoured Vehicle Nigam Limited Institute of Learning Medak on 01-10-2021.
Mission :
Organizational development through individual development.
Vision :
- To develop AVNLIOL medak as a Centre of Excellence in the area of CNC technology & mechatronics, Corporate Communication and Marketing including Export & branding
- To impart training to employees for improving knowledge & enhancing managerial skills.
- To aim at continuous improvement of quality of the training.
- To provide training in the area of information technology for improving the productivity.
- To continuously upgrade the facilities of training for achieving the highest level satisfaction of participants.
Objectives :
To continuously strive for improving the training standards as well as infrastructure facilities and to provide state of the art training in consonance with evolving technologies.
AVNLIOL, Medak is located in the Ordnance Factory, Medak (OFMK) complex, about 45 KM north-west of twin cities of Hyderbad-Secunderabad, near to Natioal-Highway to Mumbai.
Operational Structure

Training facilities:
04 classrooms are available with AC facility of 30 seating capacity each

CNC SIMULATION Software for Sinumeric 840DSL and FANUC SIMULATION Software have been installed in the 18 No. Personal Computers for practical exposure and hands on training.
News, Recruitment Notifications, Achievements, Awards:
- i) MOUs: This Institute has signed MOU with following Institutes:
- Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad.
- Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Hyderabad.
- National Informatics Centre (NIC), Hyderabad.
- Regional Directorate of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Hyderabad
- ii) Awards: This institute has been awarded as the Best OFIL during the year 2004-05, 2012 and 2015.
CSR Activities:
Workshop on CNC Part Programming was conducted in surrounding ITI Colleges i.e ITI Government College, Sangareddy & ITI Government College, Patancheru. Total 65 No. Students had participated.
RTI Officers
Shri Atul Kumar Bapat
Appellate Authority
General Manager
(O) 04023283801
Email: ofilmedak-ap[at]nic[dot]in
Shri. Yugendar Macharla
Public Information Officer(PIO)
Email: ymacharla[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri. Gopinath Varanasi
Asst.Public Information Officer(AIPO)
(O) 04023283808
Email: vgopinath[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Contact Details
General Manager
Armoured Vehicles Nigam Limited Institute of Learning
A Unit of AVNL, HRD Building,
ODF Estate, Yeddumailaram
Sangareddy, T.S - 502205
Ph: 040-23292956,040-23283801,040-23292977
Fax: 08455-237667
Email: ofilmedak-ap[at]nic[dot]in