Vehicle Factory Jabalpur
Vehicle Factory Jabalpur was started in 1969 to take up production of Shaktiman 3T (in collaboration with MAN, Germany), Nissan 1T & Jonga (in collaboration with NISSAN MOTORS Co., Japan) The Factory area is spread over 330 acres and estate 600 acres.
Brief on VFJ for AVNL Foundation day 01-10-22 (1715 KB)
VFJ Building

Vehicle Factory, Jabalpur established in 1969 is a dedicated manufacturing unit to meet 'Transport Needs' of the Armed Forces. It is an ISO 9001-2000 certified factory. Its Laboratories are NABL certified. Manufacturing facilities include State-of-the-Art CNC machines and SPMs for manufacturing Transmission Components, Fabricated Items, Chassis Frame & Body etc in addition to Vehicle Assembly Lines. Core Competence of VFJ is manufacture of Transmission Assemblies and Gears viz. Main Gear Boxes, Auxiliary Gear Boxes, Front Axles and Rear Axles. VFJ has capacity to undertake fabrication work right from design & Manufacture of Press Tools to manufacture of Pressings of various shapes & sizes & their welding. It has Presses of various capacities ranging up to 1500 Tonnes. VFJ uses SQC & SPC techniques including On-line Gauging for quality control. Its Labs are equipped with modern & sophisticated Quality Control Machines such as Lead & Profile Testing Machine and 3-Co-ordinate measuring Machine besides numerous other test equipments. VFJ has a modern Tool Room & Heat Treatment Shop. It has Seal Quench Furnace & Spectrograph.
VFJ manufactures following types of Vehicles –
Armoured Light Vehicles - Mine Protected Vehicles and Bullet Proofing of LCVs
Military Transport Vehicles -All Weather, High Altitude, Cross Country,Sand Cum Highway
Variants - Water Bowser (L & S), Kitchen Container (S), Office-cum-Caravan (Mobile Office)(S), Battery Command Post (BCP) (L&S), Recovery Vehicles (L)
VFJ has technical capability of manufacturing Various types of gear and auto components including Heat Treatment & Surface Treatment of large components, and grinding. VFJ has technical capability for Plasma Cutting, Laser Cutting, Water Jet Cutting, Armour Welding. VFJ has the capacity of Vehicle assembly, vehicle sub-assemblies, inspection and Testing.
RTI Officers
Shri. Sanjeev Kumar Bhola
First Appellate Authy
Chief General Manager
(O) - 0761-2330002,FAX-0761-2330436
Email: vfj[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Manoj Kumar Maurya
Public Information Officer
Jt. General Manager
(O) 0761-2330357, (R) 0761-2930048
Email: mkmaurya_ofb[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Rameshwar Meena
Alt. Public Information Officer
Jt. General Manager
(O) 0761-2330700, (R) 0761-2930054
Email: ramrshwarmeena[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Smt Shweta Johri
Asst. Public Information Officer
Works Manager
(O) 0761-2331853, (R) 0761-2792161
Email: shwetajohri[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Contact Details
Shri. Sanjeev Kumar Bhola
Chief General Manager
Vehicle Factory Jabalpur
An Unit of AVNL
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh - 428009
Ph: 0761-2330002
Fax: 0761-2330436 & 0761-2330257
Email: vfj[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
REMITTANCE OF FEE : Application fee of Rs. 10/- by way of cash against proper receipt or by Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque / IPO drawn in favour of AVNL, VFJ payable at SBI Ranjhi, Jabalpur.